Blog Post: WoW Classic Addons Updated! | Terrorskull

WoW Classic Addons Updated!

WoW Classic Addons Updated!

Sunday June 23, 2019 11:22pm by Terrorskull

After spending some time in the WoW Classic beta, I have been able to test a variety of addons. I have added a number of the ones I found useful to my classic downloads page.

I would suggest one of the following options to start with:

Option 1

  • TukUI - Quick set up to get going. Make sure to use the /tukui help command to see more options for configuration

Option 2

  • LunaUnitFrames
  • Kui Nameplates
  • Dominos

In addition to the listed addons, many addons from BFA work with minor changes. I have tested this with the Simple Assist (listed in my downloads). Here are the steps to make these work with Classic.

  1. Copy the addon to the wow\interface\addons folder as usual
  2. Inside the folder find the file with the .toc extension, e.g., SimpleAssist.toc (it will be the same name as the addon)
  3. Open this file in notepad or another text editor
  4. Near the top there will be a spot with the Interface version. Set this to the correct version, currently it will be ## Interface: 11302. BFA addons will have a value of 80100.
  5. If there is an entry similar to ## X-Min-Interface: 80000 update it to the same value (11302 as of writing this) or remove it.
  6. Save the file and it should be available to load in Classic. This does not guarantee the addon will work due to restrictions in the Classic API, but in some cases existing BFA addons will work without any issues or changes